Applying Protocol-Oriented Programming in Development

Oct 17 2023 · Swift 5.9, iOS 17, Xcode 15

Lesson 02: Protocol Design & Composition

Demo 1

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Now, it’s time to see how to implement a MediaCollection. Open the starter project playground for this lesson in Xcode. MediaItem and MediaCollection are already defined for you.

struct MovieCollection: MediaCollection {

typealias Item = Movie
var items: [Movie] = []
func getDescription() -> String {
    "The movie collection contains \(items.count) movies"
let bourneIdentity = Movie(title: "The Bourne Identity", price: 3.99, duration: 113)
let oppenheimer = Movie(title: "Oppenheimer", price: 17.99, duration: 180)

var movieCollection = MovieCollection()

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