Object-Oriented Programming: Beyond the Basics

Oct 17 2023 · Swift 5.9, iOS 17, Xcode 15

Lesson 02: Polishing Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

Demo 2

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In the last demo, you added support for marking a contact as a company contact by introducing a new property that must be set manually when the contact is created. In this demo, you’ll use inheritance to hide this flag and set it automatically from the initializers of the new types.

public class CompanyContactCard: ContactCard {
public class PersonContactCard: ContactCard {
public override init(firstName: String, lastName: String, phoneNumber: String) {
  super.init(firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName, phoneNumber: phoneNumber)
  isCompany = false
public override func addRelatedContact(_ contact: ContactCard) {
  if !contact.isCompany {
    print("Calling super from Person")
    print("Other contact is a Person too. Adding 2-way relationship")
public override init(firstName: String, lastName: String, phoneNumber: String) {
  super.init(firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName, phoneNumber: phoneNumber)
  isCompany = true
public override func addRelatedContact(_ contact: ContactCard) {
  print("Calling super from Company")
  if contact.isCompany {
    print("Other contact is a company too. Adding 2-way relationship")
public func addRelatedContact(_ contact: ContactCard) {
let ehabContact = PersonContactCard(firstName: "Ehab", lastName: "Amer", phoneNumber: "1234567890")
let timContact = PersonContactCard(firstName: "Tim", lastName: "Contact", phoneNumber: "0987654321")

let kodeco = CompanyContactCard(firstName: "Kodeco", lastName: "", phoneNumber: "1111111111")
let razeware = CompanyContactCard(firstName: "Razeware", lastName: "", phoneNumber: "2222222222")
public init(firstName: String, lastName: String, phoneNumber: String) {
    isCompany = false
public convenience init(companyName: String, phoneNumber: String) {
  self.init(firstName: companyName, lastName: "", phoneNumber: phoneNumber)
  isCompany = true
let kodeco = CompanyContactCard(companyName: "Kodeco", phoneNumber: "1111111111")
let razeware = CompanyContactCard(companyName: "Other Company", phoneNumber: "2222222222")
public func set(firstName: String, lastName: String) {
  self.firstName = firstName
  self.lastName = lastName
timContact.set(firstName: "Timothy", lastName: "Condon")
public func set(phone: String) {
  phoneNumber = phone
public func set(phone: Double) {
  phoneNumber = "\(phone)"
timContact.set(phone: "555-5555")
ehabContact.set(phone: 12345679.0)
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