Applying Protocol-Oriented Programming in Development

Oct 17 2023 · Swift 5.9, iOS 17, Xcode 15

Lesson 02: Protocol Design & Composition

Demo 3

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Head back to the playground in Xcode. First, define a new protocol called RandomEntertainmentPicker to help you pick what to do this evening:

protocol RandomEntertainmentPicker {
    associatedtype Item
    func getItemToEnjoy() -> Item?
struct MediaShelf<T: MediaItem>: MediaCollection, RandomEntertainmentPicker {
    var items: [T] = []
    func getItemToEnjoy() -> T? {
print("Let's play \(videoGameShelf.getItemToEnjoy()?.title ?? "Nothing!")")
func printItemDetails(_ item: MediaItem & Codable) throws {
    let jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder()
    let data = try jsonEncoder.encode(item)
    if let string = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
try printItemDetails(catan)
try printItemDetails(noTimeToDie)
struct CardGames: RandomEntertainmentPicker {
    let games: [CardGame]
    func getItemToEnjoy() -> CardGame? {
        return games.randomElement()
let bridge = CardGame(title: "Bridge")
let solitaire = CardGame(title: "Solitaire")

let cardGames = CardGames(games: [bridge, solitaire])
guard let cardGameToPlay = cardGames.getItemToEnjoy() else {
    fatalError("We have no card games!")
print("We have some cards so we'll play \(cardGameToPlay.title)")
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