iOS App Distribution

Sep 5 2023 · Swift 5.9, macOS Ventura 13.4, Xcode 15 Beta

Part 2: Internal Distribution & Beta Testing

12. Ad Hoc Distribution

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Notes: 12. Ad Hoc Distribution

iOS App Distribution & Best Practices, Chapter 5:

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As the name states, Ad Hoc Distribution is indeed a distribution style, so it has some similarities with regular App Store distribution, and some differences. Whenever you are distributing an app, you’ll need the following:


The easiest way to find a UDID for a device is to connect to it your computer, and use Finder. My device is already connected here, so I’ll select the device in the left hand menu.


Once you have your app, there are various methods to distribute it to the devices that match your list of possible UDIDs.