Your First Flutter Flame Game

Mar 6 2024 · Dart 3, Flutter 3.10.1, Android Studio 2021.3.1 or higher, Visual Studo Code 1.7.4 or higher

Part 3: Collision Detection & Overlays

14. Understand Collision Between Components

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Notes: 14. Understand Collision Between Components

Check out Flame’s documentation about collision detection.

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Collision detection is the detection of collisions between objects in the virtual environment of a game.



To enable collision detection you just have to add HasCollisionDetection as a mixin to MeteormaniaGame. It’ll help the game keep track of the components that can collide.

bool _hitByEnemy = false;
void spaceshipHit(bool isBigMeteorite) {
if (!_hitByEnemy) {
  _hitByEnemy = true;
      alternate: true,
      duration: 0.1,
      repeatCount: 5,
..onComplete = () {
  _hitByEnemy = false;


Now, to enable collisions on Spaceship, you’ll need to add two different mixins: CollisionCallbacks that informs the component when it collides with other components; and HasGameRef which let’s your component access the parent MeteormaniaGame it belongs to.

with CollisionCallbacks, HasGameRef<MeteormaniaGame>
FutureOr<void> onLoad() {
  return super.onLoad();
void onCollision(Set<Vector2> intersectionPoints, PositionComponent other) {
  super.onCollision(intersectionPoints, other);
if (other is Meteorite) {


The only thing left to do is adding a hitbox for Meteorite. Again, find onLoad and add a RectangleHitbox to the component. This allows it to collide with other components that have collision detection enabled.
