SwiftUI Maps & Location: Fundamentals

Mar 15 2022 · Swift 5.5, iOS 15, Xcode 13

Part 2: Core Location

18. Challenge: Find a Location

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Notes: 18. Challenge: Find a Location

The student materials have been reviewed and are updated as of January, 2022.

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In the last episode you learned how to do a reverse geocode lookup. That is, you had a CLLocation and you converted into an address. In most cases, like this challenge, you’ll be doing the opposite. That is, you’ll have an address and you’ll want to convert it to a CLLocation. That’s the object of this challenge.


In the challenge files, download the playground from this project. Your challenge is to convert the address to CLLocation. You’ll need to create a CLGeocoder object and then call geocodeAddressString. Print the location to the console. Pause the video and give it a shot.


How’d that challenge go for you. I’ll walk you through the process. Open up the challenge playground for this challenge. You’ll see it already has an address in place. We need to create a geocoder object.

let geocoder = CLGeocoder()
geocoder.geocodeAddressString(location) { placemarks, error in

  if let error = error {
  guard let placemark = placemarks?.first else {