Core Data: Beyond the Basics

Jul 26 2022 · Swift 5.5, iOS 15, Xcode 13.3.1

Part 2: Advanced Core Data

18. Deleting Launch Lists

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Navigate to your data model, the RocketLaunches.xcdatamodeld file. Earlier when you set up your entities you skipped a section or two. Let’s go back to those. Select the launches relationship in the RocketLaunchList entity and switch over to the Data Model Inspector. In the second section you should see a Delete Rule option and it should be set to Nullify by default. You’re going to change this to Cascade. Now when a list is deleted all associated launches will be deleted as well.

func delete(at offsets: IndexSet) {
	let lists = { self.launchLists[$0] }
	do {
	  try PersistenceController.deleteList(list: lists[0])
	} catch {
	  print("Error deleting list")
.onDelete(perform: delete)
static func deleteList(list: RocketLaunchList) throws {
	let taskContext = shared.container.viewContext