Testing in Flutter

Sep 19 2023 · Dart 2.19.3, Flutter 3.7.6, Android Studio 2021.3.1, Visual Studio Code 1.7.4

Part 5: Generate Goldens

18. Add Custom Fonts to Goldens

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In this episode, we will use the newly created goldens function to generate goldens. Head over to login_screen_test.dart file and replace the Golden code with the following code.

await doGolden('Login-Page', 'All Widgets on screen', testCaseScreenInfo);
await doGolden('Login-Page', 'Invalid Credentials', testCaseScreenInfo);

await doGolden('Login-Page', 'Valid Credentials', testCaseScreenInfo);

await doGolden('Login-Page', 'Show Loading Indicator', testCaseScreenInfo);

await doGolden('Login-Page', 'Hide Loading Indicator', testCaseScreenInfo);
await doGolden(
 'Quotes-Page', 'Pumped Quotes Page Screen', testCaseScreenInfo);

await doGolden(
 'Quotes-Page', 'Check for circular progress indicator', testCaseScreenInfo);

await doGolden(
     'Quotes-Page', 'Check for mock quotes on screen', testCaseScreenInfo);
 flutter test --update-goldens
    - family: Roboto
        - asset: fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf
final roboto = rootBundle.load('fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf');
final fontLoader = FontLoader('Roboto')..addFont(roboto);

await fontLoader.load();
Future testWidgetsMultipleScreenSizes(
        String testName,
        Future<void> Function(WidgetTester, TestCaseScreenInfo testCase)
            testFunction) async =>
    testCaseScreenInfoList.forEach((testCase) async {
      WidgetController.hitTestWarningShouldBeFatal = true;
      testWidgets("$testName-${testCase.deviceName}", (tester) async {
        final roboto = rootBundle.load('fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf');
        final fontLoader = FontLoader('Roboto')..addFont(roboto);

        await fontLoader.load();
        await tester.setScreenSize(testCase);
        await testFunction(tester, testCase);
 flutter test --update-goldens