Beginning Networking with URLSession

Sep 13 2022 · Swift 5.6, iOS 15, Xcode 13.4.1

Part 1: Introduction to URLSession & Concurrency

02. Introduction to Modern Concurrency

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Notes: 02. Introduction to Modern Concurrency

Concurrency - The Swift Programming Language

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URLSession is designed to access networks beyond your user’s device. Doing so takes time; whether to upload data or respond to a chat message. That’s time the user can be doing other things.

Task {
  print("Doing some work on a task.")

print("Doing work on the main actor (main thread).")
Task {
  print("This is first.")
  let sum = (1...100000).reduce(0, +)
  print("This is second: 1 + 2 + 3 ... 100 = \(sum)")

print("This is last.")
let task = Task {
  print("This is first.")
  let sum = (1...100000).reduce(0, +)
  try Task.checkCancellation()
  print("This is second: 1 + 2 + 3 ... 100 = \(sum)")

print("This is last.")
Task {
  print("Starting the task.")
  try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000)
  print("Finishing the task.")
func performTask() {
  print("Starting the task in a function.")
  try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1_000_000_000)
  print("Finishing the task in a function.")
func performTask() throws {
func performTask() async throws {
Task {
  try await performTask()
func fetchDomains() async throws -> [Domain] {
func fetchDomains() async throws -> [Domain] {
  let url = URL(string: "")!
  let (data, _) = try await url)
  return try JSONDecoder().decode(Domains.self, from: data).data
Task {
  do {
    let domains = try await fetchDomains()
    for (index, domain) in domains.enumerated() {
      let attr = domain.attributes
      print("\(index + 1)) \( \(attr.description) - \(attr.level)")
  } catch {