Programming in Swift: Fundamentals

Oct 19 2021 · Swift 5.5, iOS 15, Xcode 13

Part 5: Functions & Named Types

35. Introduction to Functions

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Notes: 35. Introduction to Functions

Update Notes: The student materials have been reviewed and are updated as of October 2021.

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Functions are a core part of many programming languages. Simply put, a function lets you define a reusable block of code that performs a task.

func printHello()
func printHello() {

func printHello() {
let chrisPassed = chrisGrade >= passingGrade
let samPassed = samGrade >= passingGrade
func printPassStatus
func printPassStatus() {

func printPassStatus(grade: Int) {...
grade * 2
  ❌  grade * 2
  print(grade >= passingGrade)
  print(grade >= passingGrade ? "You passed!" : "Keep studying.")
printPassStatus(grade: samGrade)
func printPassStatus(grade: Int😺, lowestPass: Int🛑) {...
  print(grade >= 😺lowestPass🛑 ? "You passed!" : "Keep studying.")
printPassStatus(for: samGrade😺, lowestPass: 80🛑)
func printPassStatus(grade: Int, lowestPass: Int 😺= passingGrade🛑) {...
printPassStatus(grade: chrisGrade)
func printHighestGrade(grade1: Int, grade2: Int) {
  print(grade1 >= grade2 ? grade1 : grade2)
printHighestGrade(grade1: chrisGrade, grade2: samGrade)
func printHighestGrade(😺_ grade1: Int, 😺_ grade2: Int) {
printHighestGrade(chrisGrade, samGrade)
func printPassStatus(😺for 🛑grade: Int, lowestPass: Int = passingGrade) {...
printPassStatus(😺for🛑: samGrade, lowestPass: 80)
printPassStatus(😺for🛑: chrisGrade)