Your First Flutter Flame Game

Mar 6 2024 · Dart 3, Flutter 3.10.1, Android Studio 2021.3.1 or higher, Visual Studo Code 1.7.4 or higher

Part 1: Getting Started With Flame

04. Add Components to Meteormania

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In this episode, you’ll add more components to your game. Let’s start by looking at all the Components that Meteormania will have:


Start by refactoring the background. Open lib/components/brackground.dart and create a class that extends SpriteComponent.

import 'package:flame/components.dart';

class Background extends SpriteComponent {

    : super(
        sprite: Sprite(
        size: Vector2(
final background = Background();


Spaceship‘s sprite is located in a different image you’ll need to load it first. In onLoad function, load the spritesheet to Flame like so:

await Flame.images.load('meteormania_spritesheet.png');
Sprite loadMeteormaniaSprite(
  double x,
  double y,
  double width,
  double height,
) {
  return Sprite(
    srcPosition: Vector2(x, y),
    srcSize: Vector2(width, height),
import 'package:flame/components.dart';

class Spaceship extends SpriteComponent {

static const double spaceshipWidth = 96.0;
static const double spaceshipHeight = 96.0;
static final Vector2 spaceshipSize = Vector2(spaceshipWidth, spaceshipHeight);
static final Sprite shipSprite = loadMeteormaniaSprite(304, 384, 96, 96);

Spaceship() : super(sprite: shipSprite, size: spaceshipSize);
void initializeGame() {
final spaceship = Spaceship()
  ..anchor =
  ..position = Vector2(
    GameConstants.cameraWidth / 2,
    GameConstants.cameraHeight / 2,



Adding a Meteorite is a bit trickier since it needs to be positioned randomly in the screen.

import 'package:flame/components.dart';

class Meteorite extends SpriteComponent {
  static final Sprite smallSprite = loadMeteormaniaSprite(688, 287, 64, 64);
  static final Vector2 smallSize = Vector2(64, 64);
  static final Sprite bigSprite = loadMeteormaniaSprite(592, 288, 96, 96);
  static final Vector2 bigSize = Vector2(96, 96);
enum MeteoriteSize { small, big }
final MeteoriteSize meteoriteSize;

    : meteoriteSize = MeteoriteSize.small,
        sprite: smallSprite,
        size: smallSize,

    : meteoriteSize = MeteoriteSize.big,
        sprite: bigSprite,
        size: bigSize,
final smallMeteorite = Meteorite.small();
