Your First Flutter Flame Game

Mar 6 2024 · Dart 3, Flutter 3.10.1, Android Studio 2021.3.1 or higher, Visual Studo Code 1.7.4 or higher

Part 1: Getting Started With Flame

05. Enable Debug Mode in Components

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To manage the logic of the game you’ll be using GameManager which is a class that handles the logic of the game. You can think of it as the state of the game. It holds information about the level being played, points scored, enemy quantity and health points.

GameManager manager = GameManager();
void addEnemies() {
final meteorites = List.generate(manager.level, (i) {
final isBigMeteorite = Random().nextBool();
if (isBigMeteorite) {
final spriteSize = Meteorite.bigSize.toSize();
final (meteoriteX, meteoriteY) = randomPosition(
return Meteorite.big()
  ..anchor =
  ..position = Vector2(meteoriteX, meteoriteY);
final spriteSize = Meteorite.smallSize.toSize();
final (meteoriteX, meteoriteY) = randomPosition(
return Meteorite.small()
  ..anchor =
  ..position = Vector2(meteoriteX, meteoriteY);


Override debugMode in MeteormaniaGame

Open meteormania_game.dart and enable debugging mode by overriding the variable debugMode in MeteormaniaGame.

bool get debugMode => true;