Core Data: Beyond the Basics

Jul 26 2022 · Swift 5.5, iOS 15, Xcode 13.3.1

Part 1: Fetching & Displaying Launches

07. Adding Launches to Lists

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Welcome back! Now that you have a more complex object graph, you have to rework the app a bit to handle it. First, you’ll need to go to your simulator and get rid of the app on the launch screen. Any RocketLaunches you created prior to the last video are incompatible with the new model - remember that instances of RocketLaunch are now required to have an associated list. If you build and run, the app will try to look for that list and crash instead.

RocketLaunchList.create(withTitle: self.text, in: self.viewContext)
@FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: []) 
var launchLists: FetchedResults<RocketLaunchList>
ForEach(launchLists, id: \.self) { launchList in }
Text(launchList.title ?? "")
NavigationLink(destination: LaunchesView()) {
  CircularImageView(color: .red)
let launchList: RocketLaunchList
let context = PersistenceController.preview.container.viewContext
let newLaunchList = RocketLaunchList(context: context)
newLaunchList.title = "Preview List"
return LaunchesView(launchList: newLaunchList).environment(\.managedObjectContext, context)
NavigationLink(destination: LaunchesView(launchList: launchList)) {}
static func createWith(
	name: String,
	notes: String,
	launchDate: Date,
	isViewed: Bool,
	launchpad: String,
**	in list: RocketLaunchList,
	using managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext
	) {
	let launch = RocketLaunch(context: managedObjectContext) = name
	launch.notes = notes
	launch.launchDate = launchDate
	launch.isViewed = isViewed
	launch.launchpad = launchpad
**	launch.list = list
	do {
	} catch {
	  let nserror = error as NSError
	  fatalError("Unresolved error \(nserror), \(nserror.userInfo)")
@NSManaged var list: RocketLaunchList
let launchList: RocketLaunchList

	name: self.text,
	notes: self.notes,
	launchDate: self.launchDate,
	isViewed: false,
	launchpad: self.launchPad,
	in: self.launchList,
	using: self.viewContext)
let context = PersistenceController.preview.container.viewContext
let newLaunchList = RocketLaunchList(context: context)
newLaunchList.title = "Preview List"
return LaunchCreateView(launchList: newLaunchList)
  .environment(\.managedObjectContext, context)
let launchList: RocketLaunchList

LaunchCreateView(launchList: self.launchList)
NewLaunchButton(isShowingCreateModal: $isShowingCreateModal, launchList: self.launchList)
Triple Launch
Launch Date: 6/1/22
CA Launches