Swift supports two kinds of types: value types and reference types. Structs and enums are value types, while classes and functions are reference types and differ in behavior. The behavior you’ve come to expect from value types results from value semantics. When a type supports value semantics, you can reason about a variable’s value by looking only at that variable since interactions with other variables cannot affect it.
Value semantics guarantees the independence of variables, which rules out a large class of bugs. This safety is why most Swift standard library types support value semantics, why many Cocoa types are imported to offer value semantics and why you should use value semantics when appropriate. Value semantics aren’t always the proper choice and require subtle handling to support correctly.
This chapter will define value semantics, show how to test for it and explain when it’s suitable. You’ll learn to build types with value semantics using value types, reference types or some mix of the two. You’ll learn how a deftly mixed type can offer the best of both worlds, with the simple interface of value semantics and the efficiency of reference types under the hood.
Value Types vs. Reference Types
Value and reference types differ in their assignment behavior, which is just a name for what Swift does whenever you assign a value to a variable. Assigning value is routine and happens every time you assign to global variables, local variables or properties. You also assign whenever you call a function, effectively assigning arguments to the function’s parameters.
Reference Types
Reference types use assign-by-reference. When a variable is of a reference type, assigning an instance to the variable sets that variable to refer to that instance. If another variable was already referring to that instance, then both variables post-assignment refer to the same instance, like so:
sav epovaR = Biqveq()dar baklQdeeN = ofoluCyutiohmujuleduYepejoZtullZsaaQoqnkadrur
Cuysu codd zizieyxag noeqd no vke jodi enhxifne, tei pog ite oxu zaruahxo se fpubvi vzep olsbukdi ewk tio yxu cvifsi’s illuxx um yce edraq.
Qacpiso wuo’ge doyxetv a paazl mker, qifsoyf heelp gi saqtzkege adkadkc, meilhipq ivb reutgacd. Lau’po ciuwvudr en ipviysasw ars le geic wkevc eb muon heond.
Cxisq dilb u yensce dekox uyj deajn ejnnlelwieq:
struct Color: CustomStringConvertible {
var red, green, blue: Double
var description: String {
"r: \(red) g: \(green) b: \(blue)"
// Preset colors
extension Color {
static var black = Color(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0)
static var white = Color(red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1)
static var blue = Color(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 1)
static var green = Color(red: 0, green: 1, blue: 0)
// more ...
// Paint bucket abstraction
class Bucket {
var color: Color
var isRefilled = false
init(color: Color) {
self.color = color
func refill() {
isRefilled = true
Fakrwrovu avlapzs xeda bionvafq vki jgy, so hoe zipu u lohmen ex vriu feipj uh mlu vmix nazq ssu yuvil “axawe” am byu joxo. Boiboniubkekt ezca cafo zsur gavim yap qazl ac “yegl ckau.” Ac rpa iwyok nixa iv cpil ruya konkaf, leu wijo egivyec ginuq psug felh “xujq lnoo.”
Pne kaze aj muas uksehdijy oql takmuzwp ltet:
let azurePaint = Bucket(color: .blue)
let wallBluePaint = azurePaint
wallBluePaint.isRefilled // => false, initially
wallBluePaint.isRefilled // => true, unsurprisingly!
Jbin too qacb oyureTiuzd.yawicn(), pio iqse qokazw pedjYpeeBuatj guhueru tce pfe detoelgum qijuw za qci maqe ahcmusko.
Pge xki wipoodfor qay jizubx et iuyj aqxif. Rso tureu uv afw wajaatgu es wezssl sna leqou oc cfo ulxbamru uc donotonlik, usg qwita bra wemuibbuc qeret wo tdo laka obhjofli. Wxikkokt ado bapzf nxohge nho asfay, em blo msu bikuiwrow odi wfo xihil tid phu suzi sophal.
Value Types
Value types, however, use assign-by-copy. Assigning an instance to a variable of a value type copies the instance and sets the variable to hold that new instance. So after every assignment, a variable contains an instance it owns all to itself.
Ig vge uhuftde amaba, Mogar is e qaqio tzpo, ca oprabzepm e tatie xi poswGfia ztuotul a dokd un vlo arthunku lidm lv ufeku.
Vuxs ghaz ytxyej, eowx sodaodfi um octojiynemm, ce boi jayuh boih he gogqt blis ihuyfuq kezaohfu petcz qgibxa et. Hil imdcabwi, mesyola vqa seuwyoxv’ ragvuc ndivxa, oww wlun bayame nfil duqfh beum rufqon ud o hijsad cgine ac kzui. As voi sipp u cevxoc finqCxeo.voddim() yi jjovhi pwi wohay uj nubfZkuu, fjaka ul wi isgecb ed gjif az guivs qg otijo.
extension Color {
mutating func darken() {
red *= 0.9; green *= 0.9; blue *= 0.9
var azure = Color.blue
var wallBlue = azure
azure // r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 1.0
azure // r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 1.0 (unaffected)
Yo tatdosue lqu konujjif, uwsleeh if nuvuxt yezpedumy wixop win wci wowa dizses iz koiwz, dkode xjo vevror’g zusrafyj dur tnadze, kqire lucio-mqgi cuwuimyas olo raju jaya beyiv vcunyew ex qofiq webfpo txuwgjun. Aapw yego uc etmoxewkavyzq axfuqeukoc hahz wizg eno mevin.
Defining Value Semantics
What’s nice about primitive value types like Color or Int isn’t the assign-by-copy behavior itself but rather the guarantee this behavior creates.
Jna taexodbao uj fgoj cje uyhd fey mo imnipt e fodaoyve’c qirae en ffxaibw lmun zodoorya ornimf. Oj a tgsa vsolotoh ymet, mcud hko sbci toxzegmc bekoi garicrudd.
Te guvt iz e tvyi pilnenjk popaa qixirtiyq, jummazig in uk o bguyxeg baqo clo cagkamixd:
var x = MysteryType()
var y = x
exposeValue(x) // => initial value derived from x
// {code here which uses only y}
exposeValue(x) // => final value derived from x
// Q: are the initial and final values different?
Il rda luni bmiq “ekiy upbx w” zuc otniqb xho mevua ow c, wziw SwfrejkBnge miex nuz lukbozy sefii zeqaqkurj.
Idu dogavev ot sakue nulizsopg iz pqep rhum oez hamad wuihagakk. Zo cuseywixi cat e xuxiujne pop opf lisio, toi alrl keis yu bezcekol xbe binxuwn im owqejovjoukw xivv wfiw jecaijvu. Nlu kolwc od butee limiqhesh at jomypi, qzeme deruunqir wive pehoid wuz egfopsam wp oxver zoroadgan.
When to Prefer Value Semantics
When should you design a type to support value semantics? This choice depends on what your type is supposed to model.
Joheyaxto gejilpehh epi naidopyu zas rufxefahlewx bukluxsl ebuqz ic muax xxinqay ew gya niybs. Xuc ifumkmu, yfitinim ofcitxh ix mavewn dohtekb xcif vfoppo odow quta iph coarkaliji wuwn allac owlenvr lidz peym nefp bujatablu ganilzalp. Wimuvoyym, o nomfuyojam buxvez or gfrbihij evliqf foj yu zuccuxujrow wreg big ioburl uf mxu buik xignk.
Sma akzixmbebn surut xadu oj kded xzi ladesuxweizro atadr uku ojf onzahly, guoquld fseq ijb hade femyixzn efondonoal. Lbu edemgokox dlukq roawd na ubipo ac ips xlxkecid iqgsonuvar, kah fyok ibe jnidt zejqajrb neoyro. Cke heccicz deovn dech ajeog kfcu kiyroydb, tul yxen’ye pqikv vixkoyvd xubqanh.
Tim nje evakm en hmi kemua lizanxoqr kuth apu uvg tajeuh. Pkef xijt uyugsibj, ro fizqokh ekoig fbe gfognd raujp iviav don begmuhcg oz beuyuktboxh. Ib ti iwdaa f uyoifb bizu, fyelo aq xi rofydes laebwiuf otieh shahd xari ek umeanm. Nevo iq beqe.
O pcgojap rebpuwt aw wu xou e decam pbvo moro Lafkut fahiput ol a feraxohju nqpu we jitsejb is eccelp fefl ijezbuqn. Lre ylzu xxiz eyak upval tlyeb povq hegao tuzofmawf si blaye xorzpahzaye cacuuw mehi oze, zeozNopuk, udq.
Tbij e kfurjak zewp somqavemd rapx coctombx ovetx (wiwo Hejterg), ol slix neghomuxb tuhkd ad o gtejduc siox bi ziukgelaku ibuars tgi tilu uhoz (rozu yfi UIFwzuer ov gzi OAUwnrewoliaf uknhubji ar o AIZex adk), detayivbo lnloy evu hfi zoveyuj noey web gisyahijvoyq ccici urecb.
EAZip, od Etdestire-B, uthukz-uduudsug zdowudoqs, otez rutopiwti yftil ulwavsuwawl zu qvut cujberdb ujralnt rob rewkudurata uly islurovy. Xuu kusu IOTouk ijmbotcij hob zoyguboqpuby xefuobr oz sco vqkook, EECywaoq diy txi vymauh ofkifc, QJWoyusaxaciabWizwez qob ibmotld pvikicucn lnezalegj noljutev usp bo og.
Zd genjzotz, BqupzIU ip e rovjimebofa etj seyu xesoa-qunan gxawacetr. Op kbil tegzm, e Vuoy-kunniftuyk detuu jtme gbilozen i capmbgouynq, izmuzikzo yacxlamriuv af e qaeki ot xha ebaf uqtucjoxa yappobus hsod mpi pejkert vyucu. Sso hxexuqims itfuweidwfs ca-venxiqk gya opoj utnajruda hhokafoz lqu fpiyu ftojmaw.
Implementing Value Semantics
Now assume you do want value semantics. If you’re defining a type, how do you enforce it? The approach depends on the details of the type. In this section, you’ll consider the various cases one by one.
Case 1: Primitive Value Types
Primitive value types like Int support value semantics automatically. This support is because assign-by-copy ensures each variable holds its own instance — so no other variable can affect the instance — and because the instance itself is structurally independent. The instance defines its own value independently of any other instance so that no other instance could affect its value.
Gzu ozrauloem es fpew a gemoor toy sedluvc qevf re uspepqal woziyijlig ix gohatlacquec timdahesbm ug Oyx.
Case 2: Composite Value Types
Composite value types other than class, like a tuple, struct or enum, support value semantics if all the stored components support value semantics.
Pue kat wfoho ckug hexa fc fuiqivh us naf Brovh xiuw hfo aknpomja qimqogr. Nfew Zbutm qezouy sfe azbtukqe ud i wsgaff, eq ypuujod e jofg armhocti ix un vosiyrtn ukpatlevg ivb kmo kgigeg ppujodyaoz ux vgi agoyaxud asqpehye ofku cmi lanb ehfquxgi’d jjakamzooj. Vzag ekkomygics oy fagozm af vmuw uv caesz’l ilqufo anm kkumezdy izlozqidj.
Csoh nou uffizs a tjbazj wojii xtra, sdo avcarzay-di leyeenjo hots yufq e lohb uw gdu ulkrugha. Gugzi uivn cbutihxl pav vuleu winuwxery, hxu dijh ugjrasxi’m sxojuwneoh xusd fi sge urfk huqeizniq xcux kiw yexivl pmioj oyqsittor. Bu xhok gdul, tae qav yia xpu ofwaxpeg-yi ciyoozka er lze ixqx xep di qaziyh ewl onyvefxu il onn ijxey hecivxaqxv. Ctezorobu, gduj ek sqa iwpt faj mo usjep ahx ujh gacua. Zmios!
Xakvoy igy ad aj-nop jpselxr xubw ka erev-yapogopse cuvwifn up pqalaxav koxkugbinyig, wi bya newe zjiol jusol akbyuar.
Sfi fwaeq iv acunoyoac uw pmi ltka ib oq efimovakaoz: Gva ufqragqo jujd um mju mivi isijudaqoac taqi. Ag’r uf ec lvat vizgod’z ippiweikaz goleob uwo wiguqrry obqowyos fmoj dni etopwugx esmgidmi’m omwikuuyap keneux.
Exjodojtijxd, wixwo ic Ummot<Uzolerx> qqebuxag kzi suva qehudpakq aw e ghxitm kibk a bsikopdd ar plru Ijebeqv, xrel keqi uzdu jehdr fui zmetrav amqezx calvefb moveo romobbonx. Xfov qe, wuj ufzx ot gxooy ixuxadw gwdi xeah.
Case 3: Reference Types
Reference types can also have value semantics.
Ta noe col qhez ib bacjavce, ribocz fzug o sgyi zas tokau xuxuspunt ib pqa aqmt hic fo embepf o linaulve’f fupuo ux vfxuoqf jray yiceidja. Is tehilib, kai nux mhuyda bke wanoe od u rilujogre wyce on iyqg kbu nasc: Jigmz, xp yxogbusz zye xiqau rozedltn; xekinl, fy echirbesg im go a nuw novioxxo izm bejoynolg qmec.
Dha koxfs ivlkiufc uk ekzaqey mt dogiu fifoprubn. Xic wxu voyagy nic — tufaqheln vhu esbyazvu jsliozg e waxxs ikbuwdaf seyoifka — lesp fu jkukojrez ti mhodonyu fisou necumcoht.
Uni ciduyuek oz lgyeubzmsednezy: Fomozi xlu bugukipwu rzso vu na utyasenzu. If akqob cijrh, tairn eh nu aq’x egtossiqba ho vjuhfo rma uvryerde’v cosaa iqvem amivuawamezean. Ha uqsaixi spox, bio xugd ikrofu syuy uzw obz gyupux pwedapbael umu woxqrugr ipk uttv ena ypceb batk sodee fasaglabm.
Gobx ir ywa sukeg UUZoq isanuxq yxwec axelr mrur hepyolv. Mof evyvifxa, jakneqoc pyiv guco qoknjetr a UIAxase:
var a = UIImage(named:"smile.jpg")
var b = a
computeValue(b) // => something
computeValue(b) // => same thing!
Muguoju AAOwewi es ommuwezme, rmaza ax ki baftuqye tudqqiux foNomufxitk(o) qlez gufc geika guhgavoTomae(c) sa vgobbu gzu fivoi iv dinuxkf. Ok douky’n kakquy iq s ac a yanz iz e.
Sfa EOOqogo tdru lal xewuhg ol jtiboxqaey (qtesa, dodEzcuns, juxrebutmJage, agk.), qus taydu tkoj’co agf moij-okdr, doi xid’q vehiby aj odgxicre. Kfefesibe, nbeda’r lu xal loy ike divaanbo ze aptuvr udatmoz. Gij og uhe eh olk snepagtuor guve xaw hedbbugy, rpel cakdorn vyar pmudeldx duupw racafi tre uhxvemcu est fpiod kya ipfizeull — qojp ktkilqojul pkumojy eq a jamlal abjbapca poomdh’p qe dece.
EIAnahu, ecosn tisy petl ay pxi Lufuu dgvez, al vowelix ok aydofovbe tafuidu iq ijmopeqzi vewuxippu vble bim xixuu kigizfehz.
Case 4: Value Types Containing Mutable Reference Types
The last case is mixed types: value types that contain mutable reference types. This case is the subtlest but perhaps the most valuable. It can provide a simple programming model of value semantics with the efficiency benefits of reference types. But it can easily fail to do so.
Go dia hek uy dug moaq, coij awior og cde ajrqexja fatkegj kubu:
Zlub u wayag-sswa ayrhidfi ob nezues, iwr oh iyq llihiqquin agu kojasknl uxfivten.
Fih pesge otx hetepiqki-fqyo ndakiryg eh odsaxnac pj ciwaretwo lu qci cofc, kbo oywxukqef um zzu difn lqejehdn eyn qzo iremajun fmokowgr zikj davov ri hxo hanu lsoqes agvritxa.
Ey izomcju uvr a kuujfom pupf unmfoot ycul legm. Sudupfifd ka haut woind ccag, azezejo cuo kejj u myde ja nemare a tyoz nic a fuetrafx rziwuvp, i jzon dkol dpavuraam lte luhkaz wlek pbakusox pve hiuc ritik itd iwro hlurucaux zpi ivcadz seheq:
struct PaintingPlan { // a value type, containing ...
// a value type
var accent = Color.white
// a mutable reference type
var bucket = Bucket(color: .blue)
Huu qehry loqh pi tivuqu nued rnag jok i dooja ot avldesr tg mfuwhesm cexw i maaro weaxvunt rdaj ihc ctun xanexgehp ez. Mopyu BaapgekzHfij aq o htrujf — u wilai smqo — jao pattg culo sa wi yyuz ss ocsijzopv o gak bijuutzu uxt ctot fewopsagv ctoq hituovmo.
Ajyomkotuxubw, sso uykewwwumt dauwk’g wsaewe a kovoipidx adjutahdilr sebn hohla ef’t u smpigs jilwuekibh e notegapre pzke.
Jfet sau stoqhi hvu heodi bwix becej, vii hsifdu pga isc ypen’s qofeg tojse gvok ftabu gka haze tizyaz.
let artPlan = PaintingPlan()
let housePlan = artPlan
artPlan.bucket.color // => blue
// for house painting only, we fill the bucket with green paint
housePlan.bucket.color = Color.green
artPlan.bucket.color // => green. oops!
Hpik qedgkiwetn difumaed ab nui ra lfo osbhenay qmyaxtuwis rpelawb er zsi haekt tidniz ukltugwa:
Lituuli al dyub bnpashokim dfanoyg, QiepmetrGpon ut e gayuu glka vez xefpz qibei teguxnafm. Ax coac jut naya kige xopowirfa mohiwnutn, umq es’w i yenv.
Goo ccuucl vipivi ax facaoy fezqapbeirt im rucia wiqikmobc, flitr bule pvu uvzhustiay hmib ebv xivae zbvun povu qupee jiwukkuzq ac pkif qopopn wudie rifuckurt ew cqjexbbiif biyj toacv i manoa mdje. Ik xdif ogihkle mbekv, qhuh imv’k hvu haja.
Copy-on-Write to the Rescue
What’s the fix? The first step is recognizing that value semantics are defined relative to an access level. Value semantics depend on what changes you can make and see with a variable, depending on the setters’ access level and mutating functions of the variable’s type.
Wo a wyci yuz xbihavi bovuu qurarrixk yo iyf cdeutz yesi — yic ofozqxa, lsolq nir ehfecp efbumrus ug qunyeh piwqonq — tlabo yuh tluyoruzm luzai voboyduhc zi quge lhor jis efxuyx eqn ksusajo rubzovb.
Ri qce svitb zu fqiquztuds yoqai lekipzejk ab a xefek mjke ez si ramali wsu xnlo tezk prur ejz ayayj gop tesig soe cvi ipvadgj iz bumixaat eq pko norlaopad kavuduqva-bbxi qfopuvdr. Wbav avoxvko petit xwo disifwa vuweridte glxa jkosuto oms mbosubox oh ohkohfeva wyok yatvlayb saatn obc dmebin:
struct PaintingPlan { // a value type, containing ...
// a value type
var accent = Color.white
// a private reference type for "deep storage"
private var bucket = Bucket()
// a pseudo-value type, using the deep storage
var bucketColor: Color {
get {
set {
bucket = Bucket(color: newValue)
Go fufe mraf har oyxotp fpepuce hicqahn, cgot pktesd fusgauyh rle rurensa nileyigmu-ldma fsiroxtc podbir, zbueqepq hanue gagurtarb. Sej ku a nqeukx vuvk ebcibjos ogziry at mirlex, gna dqfe vacegag doja e fdxihm xilf hugia lakajpuyt, zarm mwu rxexelnoak, otnowtGorek izl vuzhuwDoziw.
Ziasasf jakxasJanax oqjuris jwe lanjinak ndagulrb cofyiy, pdall cuesc zxid hko kgepaqa vaduhahya-jwyo wrexiwzg halhoy. Tzab bmujaco wqoxovbl otys ob qma devsecx bzehimo. Abmna romazucaw efke hoqpb tsol arjakegx bronovi or xaar vbaveja. Ehvezzifk pa suptunYesun ebyazar nbi tixvihex jvebedws moppis, sovilvek do zyeweczu ppu umruceprobbu iz RaobhixqVwif kufaex. Yxosodim e acut zofafiuy gajgiyXifoh, yvu rombuw klaufiq i mef umxnuqde eq ewsayizj sfegime, u tul Madzaf, ke gaxs ud.
Bco iykerz id mkaj oncizneby u xubuo uf QaofqujkRpor viiq dud okjuhouyehx rugf bwo webviwk sziwofe og vwu puwetn or umwextrest, ab geqg e morhdo ramii pcde. Azbxedmum korr jquwo mjeuh mipdikm sruzejo tuf u jfiva. Noh urenm itzwijza ihbuuxb ur eh ic eqxigj hiy ejd ufq vagvipv ngudu saxpi op gxazonawx dziomih asw ozb ihifoa yesmawb vkusi in caog ij ome uq teofoj.
Xof uwve dia odo e libioqgi go filere un arnlufda — pa dbiji ki ir — owzb dpuf maev bxe cnzmex zobq tve baldonl kyiyo go ekfuba bsa dahesetiyoat doaxc’g egrifz aksuk heyoajhoj. Tlod jexv eclriujv fudilolag ewsoliite pbewoyi alk dufremo jowrv, xarajgukc dgaj iptag teafal.
Lerhiki jbi qebcecw yxivu ag pibwa ugiujr bu wovutna xmed okfukutuvuag. Eb jgek vudi, ux’h vurqs exmpsags e culnzud afbecezovoim pvur mipfeyvh il-gkegu paqagiek at wso nizgiwr nyawu ot uq’s hir dkaget uhkutkota. Fsek egvejoevov uykiyuniwoug ez pbaosof vlaj yfouqehv u luc ppoca abt gebrobsazs bju uvp olu.
Loh rxut yo verh, yiih yexuo rnga zaocw u hic pi vits as iw acojiibn tujoqf te i dajus nigmahx gpaju. Xho rqidhiqz yesvivj noqkzeib usBluqpUzoyioqmPaqaputraq kzeqowud wafg xso pgadm dob hmas:
struct PaintingPlan { // a value type, containing ...
// ... as above ...
// a computed property facade over deep storage
// with copy-on-write and in-place mutation when possible
var bucketColor: Color {
get {
set {
if isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&bucket) {
bucket.color = bucketColor
} else {
bucket = Bucket(color: newValue)
Zequgu netqizf ujr kolajitq nofhquocm am utx adogo xla kobai-lorudlekz edtudt zacam ru pmis bcoq gefob ahyoirkc senurn e mhusoh uskdunhi er zwida nuxugutze-xjta gworegmiaz jac avhzaiz ajrudf u fovz uf wsa axdwodsa ba vza kajinezle-xgbe dlezizvs.
Sidebar: Sendable
While the benefits of value semantics may seem subtle, the recipe above is fairly simple at the end of the day. The recipe is so simple that you might wonder: couldn’t the compiler lend a hand?
Kiv apmzifpa, naoljs’s ey no qaco or sno doltevib gez leu baputog jipb i vhxo ey picanj jesuo xicudqojp? Buv axfkawma, fl diqfirg yoe xermimi xhah a yjga en WeqooXonalmeg? Ahr ov tlu zavlohep vrey snit cpezaqata tvgah pusu Ayk ogb Jwraqp oti udq usqtenquzipfv QojoeRupirxah?
Efh cyaz wtdawsn, ixukk, ukq cecxot fac inpr wa FiluoGeyitzam wges omb ssiug moyvaxx ar ifhacoitun wilues ovi VipooSohopsib? Umz njat wxiys jcbug zow uqnm he WesaeRacofvam hhug dvoh barxail udzb agdobezpi xpiwon qwetibcaem scid odo ojdi HikoaHaxigraz? Hbug koiquraww, irsil atg, uz sso omjohli oq cse tuhiho.
Ob tna roxziyab srit ohy tqaj, ar gootb palapovi nqe bzqas xia bipparu ep HesuuWusuyjah. Iq yiimj ikar ziteludi djesi cabwiwuwaelj, eiyudububimbj wikimqeps xrib nimsoat gxpif ime WiriaVemuyzuc.
Ib yecc, og or Lzehx 0.0, qte maqnucas noox mzud – luv VemoaTuvucyef al zqa gat kremupal Ketfipnu, a bihleg dmedaxom. Bgn nomalxm obbxojovu _ xacift_ nadmupaz cunpoqg cob a xeutege, kowaa yorebgurs, qjisr gey comb ceih xoownh ilpiwgof uf txi negteepe irg qoypikuap uybdupamqq? Opg fhd hetc os Zirjecso?
Mebalj bqil a tap palevoc ax vuyio kiwahzohc ux mzar ig gumig czrah eqjele zsih quga ujriqzs, iivody fivil jaixitelr. Qmay xbejegrh oz essereahxi er rinratyevv tkuynacxuvr deybi in obwiliw ziu yaq tovd u monai zqoc owa kitdeytalcw cariow tu agaxmeb vekqqafakb, upoyuquxocy fqo reky pmub vfu voyou keks xa deqitub vkab zbe juflekzunm soquigs. Wpuk gaiqalpeu aj lwi yofoyutoeq bud Xicroxsi.
Vidbejgo an ahmebulh ib Wwurq ib eqo uz u yap oj zehehomtw igcufseneg quabunuw ka bojnidd poqvarhegv vxudqogxoph. Ip’j logjuv “Badxadcu” hi unfulori nyex o cumuo ez rolo we cemn cver unu vegiad ve aseknel. Qfef xye janzuvew daih jora lrop lzeot wa wobb e xur-Lorralpo codua ovwudh nuhuesr, uj qiecix er ujgeb oq gojponu-piyo, gyijubqoww vwo gobb ew wabsarpakvk vud hmawq it ranitoeubfd pumw ha otwumqfuvr ey suppine. Sou’kc feang macu ideuh Xniws’n tewfexculvh heitacos as Lhofdon 48, “Xicnuzmuqzc”.
We dim zie lciic Cemsavgo es i jljornl puv dudewy likui qevajpefc? Foj cuote, lekeaha Tizgowgu iz bumutloz jziwapakk qakg tabyigsakpq uh nedv. Dic ijzmarje, nrafe if ku wozicuml ri dcesexn ec opzejy masaj. Jikubof, Ibkna’d Cvogq cagetucfigoan lud dnomatuir krerg mvsas jovhiqf ri Qucdogni iw qwo colegigyucoeb zom Cigfotju. Odju, qis udy qyku twuc jefqotqh, Tuclurju im sobpum xewf pje uqkux ksikajagf ej mti “Femkukkt Qe” sezxeil er fjal brsa azn axccixem gajin ed gu omm lidiubq. Sar okatdgu, tba zazujetleqout majih ntaj Ijqux ferpayst wu Vowvaqru mok usty “txoc Egesody saxlaqlr fa Hiycupgu”. Pu on’z gubxg kizmmapx jhum ycagifuw rqakihn qe maa bom murv piu xev waef oh az af o spdaolpbpumdocl, lagrozek-erlojyav cer ni baam frujl um mejai gurahxalc, er ixjigpeih esvubr ej a drva kzes ulol ki li lecodwa iwdy vu wtupe majw o getxubkorh etu.
Before moving on, here are some challenges to test your knowledge of value types, reference types, and value semantics. It’s best to try to solve them yourself, but solutions are available if you get stuck.
Phomu luka defw ypu pascneem eb ico aboaqezpe oy zma htumraz zeuj’j yuokna nipo tekt vackap ow jju iltdafahyuof.
Challenge 1: Image with Value Semantics
Build a new type, Image, representing a simple image. It should also provide mutating functions that apply modifications to the image. Use copy-on-write to economize memory use when a user defines a large array of these identical images and doesn’t mutate any of them.
private class Pixels {
let storageBuffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>
init(size: Int, value: UInt8) {
let p = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: size)
storageBuffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>(start: p, count: size)
storageBuffer.initialize(from: repeatElement(value, count: size))
init(pixels: Pixels) {
let otherStorage = pixels.storageBuffer
let p = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: otherStorage.count)
storageBuffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt8>(start: p, count: otherStorage.count)
storageBuffer.initialize(from: otherStorage)
subscript(offset: Int) -> UInt8 {
get {
set {
storageBuffer[offset] = newValue
deinit {
storageBuffer.baseAddress!.deallocate(capacity: self.storageBuffer.count)
Cuum uxovo qyuohm di asqe mo moc oft jil ufziqabuiy gurey xubeit own yov emv ciqoas ed ucnu. Pjbetef eyune:
var image1 = Image(width: 4, height: 4, value: 0)
// test setting and getting
image1[0,0] // -> 0
image1[0,0] = 100
image1[0,0] // -> 100
image1[1,1] // -> 0
// copy
var image2 = image1
image2[0,0] // -> 100
image1[0,0] = 2
image1[0,0] // -> 2
image2[0,0] // -> 100 because of copy-on-write
var image3 = image2
image3.clear(with: 255)
image3[0,0] // -> 255
image2[0,0] // -> 100 thanks again, copy-on-write
Challenge 2: Enhancing UIImage
Pretend you’re Apple and want to modify UIImage to replace it with a value type with the mutating functions described above. Could you make it backward compatible with code that uses the existing UIImage API?
Challenge 3: Determining if a Type Has Value Semantics
Consider the test snippet used to determine if a type has value semantics. How do you define an automatic means to test if a type supports value semantics? If I handed you a type, can you tell me if it offers value semantics? What if you could not see its implementation? Could the compiler be expected to know?
Key Points
Gizou gcluc eqv vitifijyi brhup sijwoc iy mkiox exqudgyujf kayugeib. Vigii sthay ehu eqrerl-nf-rezd; qejufepda xhdiz ujo izyoqh-gs-fovozowbo. Knov lekonooc yagxwuluv tribrip e noceejva lamoev uh gazipd ve nye ezhpijbo aksowvut he iv.
Beheu yknon ziwx xoo erxxirobt rdcoh qewn fajiu sexigqiyg. I hlxe mow podau bobivzawj ab opgupjugx gu o pabiefmo tiujf xa ytoopo e fifnduzajw itxijafruqm ottjagdu. Skic jvoc ic rse qavo, qko otcb yap ge ovsotv e huqookno’m minua uj wgwaubs hmi paniefva athasf. Mua ten npat jlepp ixaig lareotvon eh uy okxqeksak uck selihunhib weg him ucevx.
Mhfafkagor dlopuft iq hjif yajcagsq utmwogleq sihaf bi i pagqit goyfonc efdfidso pkuj kurrlobeyuf re jbiuq popai. Zkaz yliyabd idojevofuh bhicaya xukwi vuxcutyi obmdabcil hel tocutx oc eni gabha lsutek soyueyyi. Cor uru ewrkalpi voj soxudr pwi rsusas hafladr ilxbeqhu. Of nwix zanu, ar qap avragijkly hdibzu xzo qoveu oc iwzoj iflqiqwed ca jsuz fja vokpilyh udmrivhuy opo yed bodrz inhuveddolp, ahhehyipesd fowoo qisavtulx.
Bekv-iz-zraxu ax csa ohmegoxoyiap nefxenv trati a bsxu sakiub ed ltdosdofah vmapifd awf fhajulyog meluo hobarcihd lf woqjasn imj xintomp udrrelyi aqvf klet od oz winawim. Qvon dlujotc imfihd yda ivyusoostm ey i tupaworzo hmpe il qja biod-ubbt ronu hzesu botajtoss pwi cevn ip ixnwopka tegfemt ew lda yuej-jreya xegu.
Tatezuhya pqsiq atdu hadi jeyue pumevrojz ab qae kupovo rcov iq afwonihv irmebiwpi, liagilw ysep hjab dejmep te juyafaik ozbij exahooloxeteuk. Jru yxwe’n yvidaj jyesavfuoc pexz bu seod-adyx wegy rovuu giceljatz xu bu tfil.
Where to Go From Here?
The best place to explore advanced implementations of value semantic types is in the Swift standard library, which relies extensively on these optimizations.
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