Android Data & Networking

Behind most every Android app is the data that drives it - but where does this data come from, and how do you save that data? This learning path covers methods to save data on Android, along with mobile networking basics and how to do background processing in your Android apps.

Android Data & Networking

Learning path · 7 video courses (1 min)
Saving Data on Android
Learn about different ways to save data on Android! Use SharedPreferences to store user-facing configurati... more
Kotlin Coroutines: Fundamentals
Learn the fundamentals about threads and coroutines, along with the basics of the Kotlin Coroutines framew... more
Room Database: Getting Started
Covers loads of cool concepts in local data persistence, using the Room database on Android. Learn how to ... more
Android Networking: Fundamentals
Learn about the the HTTP, JSON, REST and all the other cool and important abbreviations in the world of ne... more
Android Networking: Beyond the Basics
Implement advanced concepts in the Retrofit library in Android, and add interceptors and parsers. Learn ho... more
Android Background Processing
Learn about all the cool concepts from background processing in Android! Use the WorkManager, JobScheduler... more
Kotlin Flow: Getting Started
Kotlin Flow is a new asynchronous stream library from JetBrains, the company behind the Kotlin language. S... more

After completing this learning path…

…you’ll have covered a lot of ground, by getting “behind the scenes” and learning about all the options for persisting data in Android apps, and when to use each option. You’ll have learned how to work with data over the network with REST APIs, and how to offload intensive processing to background threads. Check out the Software Engineering for Android path to learn about some critical tools that developers use every day to get their work done.

Up next

Android & Kotlin
Beginning Android Debugging
Find out how to debug your Android apps using the many tools available on Android Studio. Learn how to cre... more