Software Engineering for Android

There’s a lot more to app building than just knowing your way around Android Studio. In this path, you’ll cover some of the tools that developers use every day to get their jobs done. Work with Git, learn your way around the command line, and finally build graphic elements for your app in Sketch.

Software Engineering for Android

Learning path · 4 video courses (1 min)
Getting Started with Git
An introduction to Git! Learn the basics of Git so you can use it in your daily workflow.
Command Line Basics
A command line course for beginners! Explore the basics like manipulating files and directories, navigatio... more
Beginning Git
In this introduction to using Git for source control you’ll learn everything from cloning and creating rep... more
Mastering Git
Take the solid foundation laid by the Beginning Git course, and build upon it. Focus on fixing real-world ... more

After completing this learning path…

…you’ll have learned a lot about the various tools that developers use in their work, and built up confidence in relying on tools that are critical for developers to maintain their workflows, both alone and in teams. At this point, you’re ready to head into more advanced topics, and start building your very own apps!

Up next

Android & Kotlin
Creating Tiles for Wear OS
Learn how Wear OS Tiles are different from regular Android layouts, how to implement your own Tile and han... more