About the Team
About the Authors

Audrey Tam is an author of this book. As a retired computer science academic, she’s a technology generalist with expertise in translating new knowledge into learning materials. Audrey attends many concerts at Tempo Rubato and does most of her writing and zooming at Rubato Upstairs. She also enjoys long train journeys, knitting, and trekking in the Aussie wilderness.

Caroline Begbie is another author of this book. Caroline ventured out into the world as an unemployed classicist. She then taught herself to code and started up a software company in the UK and later in the US. Retiring to Australia prematurely, she performed marionette shows for pre-schools until she purchased the original iPad. She recognized the creative possibilities and became an indie iOS developer. Now she loves tinkering with vertices and watching Disney movies.
About the Editors

Libranner Santos is the tech editor on this book. He’s a software engineer with more than 10 years of experience. Basketball fan and player, and a decent dancer. Love learning and teaching at all levels. You can follow him on Twitter as @libranner.

Richard Critz did double duty as editor and final pass editor for this book. He has been doing software professionally for over 40 years, working on products as diverse as CNC machinery, network infrastructure, and operating systems. He discovered the joys of working with iOS beginning with iOS 6. Yes, he dates back to punch cards and paper tape. He’s a dinosaur; just ask his kids.