iOS and SwiftUI for Beginners

Excited to get started with iOS app development? In this learning path, you’ll build two fully-functional iOS apps, and go into depth with the Swift Programming Language to learn how to create the logic behind your app.

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iOS and SwiftUI for Beginners

Learning path · 5 video courses (1 min)
Your First iOS & SwiftUI App: An App from Scratch
Updated for 2023! If you’re a complete beginner to iOS and SwiftUI development and wondering how to get st... more
Your First iOS & SwiftUI App: Polishing the App
This course is the sequel to “Your First iOS & SwiftUI App: An App from Scratch.” In this course, we’l... more
Your First iOS and SwiftUI App: Designing the App [OPTIONAL]
Learn how to start with nothing but an app idea, and take it all the way to a beautiful visual design made... more
Programming in Swift: Fundamentals
Learn about Apple’s open source programming language, Swift, through hands-on examples! Take a deep dive i... more
Programming in Swift: Functions & Types
Gain a deeper understanding of functions, practice using closures, and build your skills with named types.... more

After completing this learning path…

…you’ll have created your first two iOS apps, and learned your way around the Swift language. Check out the iOS User Interfaces path to start learning about building smart and responsive user interfaces for your iOS apps!

Up next

iOS & Swift
SwiftUI Fundamentals
An introduction to building iOS user interfaces with SwiftUI! Learn about SwiftUI Views and modifiers, com... more